Tag Archives: Iris

We may not have it all together


“We may not have it all together, but together we have it all”
I saw this quote somewhere but I don’t remember where.
I’m worried for me and Darion. Things have been said and everything we have is in danger and I don’t want anything bad to happen. I’ve never felt this way before about anybody. I don’t want to sound obsessive, but its like I never realized I was missing anything until now, because when I’m with him it feels like I have everything I need. Its hard letting him leave, even when I know I will see him tomorrow. I was afraid to let myself get attached because I’m still unsure of everything, but its too late. I’m attached and afraid because things that are attached have a tendency of being broken apart, and I don’t want that to happen.
Tomorrow he’s planning on talking to my dad to try to set everything straight and I’m afraid. What if my dad doesn’t believe what he says? Or what if something bad comes out and it makes things worse? And there’s this little thing in the back of my mind, wondering if the things that they are saying is true.. Its their word against his and I think they are wrong, I trust him. The worst thing I could imagine is learning that I trusted the wrong person.
Its crazy that he even wants to talk to my dad about everything and I’m hoping for the best, but I’m still worried about losing anything that we have right now.

As always, thanks for reading lovelies! I will see your sexy faces next time 🙂